Too old to learn?

I have been wanting to learn how to ride a bike! I wanted it so much! I thought the desire was a bit far fetched because i am not a teenager any more. However one day i met up with a girlfriend of mine and she told me how just a week before she taught herself in just one day! I couldn’t believe my ears! My hopes shot up so high and yesterday it happened for me.

I was having sort of a bad day at city council offices and i thought our cycling date would not happen. I met her though and she psyked me up so much! We were to go at noon and it was going to 3pm but she was still willing to go all the way to Karura forest just for me! She is such a cool human! We went to Karura forest, hired 2 bikes and now i can ride a bike! wooooohuuu! I am not a pro but i can takeoff by myself, ride for long, control the bike and even stop when i need to without causing too much of a spectacle! hehe!


At the end of the day every inch of my body was painful, i was dirty and sweaty and tired but i could ride a bike!!!!!  I must admit that it was not easy at first. I spent the first 30 mins afraid to put both feet on the pedals. I felt safer with one foot on the ground but I knew I was never going to ride like that. My girl was so patient with me, she kept encouraging me and when I finally took off, the rest is history. She kept reminding me to pedal and to look up….as long as i did that i kept moving. That is a life lesson right there; keep your eyes up on Jesus, our hope and strength, and keep pedaling! Keep moving and don’t give up.


You might not relate with my bike story but that was not necessarily the point. My point is this; what dream (big or small) have you given up on? You might feel like you missed the chance to start on it or finish it. It’s not too late! It could be going back to school, learning to swim or drive a car, learning to play an instrument or perfect your singing, painting, drawing, dancing. It could be cooking lessons that you wanted to start or web design or playing darts! It could be knowing God more or reading through the whole bible. It could be anything! It’s not too late. You can learn at whatever age. That’s how God created us! We are His masterpieces created with brilliant minds that can keep learning throughout life!


Let this be the year you pick up the dream you had stashed away, dust it off and get on it. May He give you a friend or even a stranger to help you with it like He did me. Shine and fly!! 2016 is the year of greatness!

God is good!!
